Group Members
We are looking for new Bachelor, Master and PhD students to join the team
If you call from outside the university phone system dial (+49) 761 203 prior to the stated number.

Current group members

Prof. Dr. Bernd von Issendorff
Group leader, started in 1990
office: VF 1046, phone 5726
- Habilitation in Physics in the Group of Prof. Dr. H. Haberland, University of Freiburg, 2001
- PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics in the Group of Prof. Dr. H. Haberland, University of Freiburg, 1994
- Diploma in Physics in the Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. J.P. Toennies, University of Göttingen, 1990
Marion Furtwängler-Fritz
Secretary, started in 1988
office: VF 1044
phone: 5723
fax: 5955
presence time: Mon & Tue 8-12, Wed & Thu 13-16
M.Sc. Kariman Elshimi
PhD student, started in 2017
office: FMF 1020, phone 4736
lab: VF 1041, phone 7608
- Research topic: Photoelectron spectroscopy of size-selected clusters at free electron lasers
- M.Sc. in Physics in the Group of Prof. Dr. Getzlaff, University of Düsseldorf, 2016
M.Sc. Kevin Schwarz
PhD student, started in 2022
office: FMF 1025, phone 4739
lab: FMF 1024, phone 4738
- Research topic: Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Acenes
- M.Sc. in Physics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
M.Sc. Maziyar Kazemi
PhD student, started in 2023
office: FMF 1025, phone 4739
lab: FMF 1024, phone 4738
- Research topic: High-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy on deeply cold gold clusters anions
M.Sc. Lotar Kurti
PhD student, started in 2023
office: FMF 1020, phone 4736
lab: VF 1041, phone 5709
- Research topic: FEL-based photoelectron spectroscopy on mass-selected and cold ions in the gas phase
Former group members
Lukas Weise, 2023
Fabian Bär, 2023
Aghigh Jalehdoost, 2021-2022
Kiran Majer, 2016-2017
Michal Hejduk, 2014-2017
Adam Piechaczek, 2013-2015
Fabien Chirot, 2007-2008
Pascal Didier, 2005-2006
Michael Moseler
PhD students
Fabian Bär, 2018-2023
Lukas Weise, 2017-2023
Moritz Weigt, 2009-2022
Aghigh Jalehdoost, 2015-2021
Simon Dold, 2014-2020
Kiran Majer, 2009-2016
Adam Piechaczek, 2008-2013
Raphael Kuhnen, 2006-2012
Mattias Svanqvist, 2007-2011
Christian Hock, 2004-2010
Christof Bartels, 2003-2008
Bernd Huber, -2007
Chunrong Yin, 2003-2007
Oleg Kostko, 2002-2007
Abdollah Malakzadeh, 2003-2007
Jörn Donges, 1999-2003
Markus Maier, 1998-2003
Andreas Haefele, -2003
Otavian Fieß, 2000-2003
Thomas Hippler, 1999-2003
Margarita Astruc, -2001
Daniela Olevano, 1996-2000
Johannes Nordiek, -1999
Ralph Schlipper, -1999
Robert Kusche, -1999
Werner Kronmüller
Martin Schmidt
You Qiang
Master students
Phillip Stöcks, 2021-2022
Fabian Bär, 2016-2017
Jan Loibl, 2014-2015
Carolin Willibald, 2014-2015
Jérémie Bérard, 2014-2015
Diploma students
Nico Klausner, 2014-2015
Honghao Zhang, 2013-2014
Martin Pichotka, 2009-2010
Kiran Majer, 2008-2009
Moritz Weigt, 2008-2009
Simon Thiele, 2007-2008
Jan Huwer, 2007-2008
Samuel Straßburg, 2006-2007
Dominic Greiffenberg, 2006-2007
Joerg Schwöbel, 2005-2006
Christine Wehrstein, 2005-2006
Elisa Fiordaliso, 2005-2006
Raphael Kuhnen, 2004-2005
Nina Morgner, 2001-2002
Gert Wrigge, 2000-2001
Frank Sommer, 2000-2001
Michael Schaetzel, 2000-2001
Thomas Hippler, 1998-1999
Dominic Utz, 1998-1999
Bachelor students
Jan-Phillip Maurer, 2021
Timo Lang, 2020
Manos Tzivakis, 2019
Philipp Elsässer, 2019
Elena Leißler, 2018
Florian Haße, 2017
Julia Müller, 2017
Nicolai Arndt, 2017
Samuel Kellerer, 2017
Nico Luksch, 2015
Fabian Bär, 2015
Holger Beh, 2011
Raphael Präg, 2011
Research assistant
Gökalp Elaçmaz, 2023
Phillip Stöcks, 2022-2023
Jan-Phillip Maurer, 2022
Philipp Elsässer, 2019
Thomas Kok, 2019
Manos Tzivakis, 2018
Elena Leißler, 2018
Samuel Kellerer, 2018
Alexander Ruf, 2017
Noemie Ehstand, 2017
Jean-Baptiste Bohuon, 2014
Prospective teachers
Daniel Knörlein, 2002-2003
Old group photos